Sunday, December 29, 2019

Essay on Counselors as Companions and Ethics in Human...

HN 144: Unit 4 Assignment Counselors as Companions and Ethics in Human Services The counselor in this article has learned a lot from Steve throughout his time spent with him. Some of the things I believe that he has learned was personal strength, how to see the world through another person’s eyes and also that not every case can be treated the same, especially when someone is battling something so deep inside of them, that you are just there to guide them through their journey at that time. Working with someone like Steve is not easy and it takes a lot of your own strengths to work with someone like that, but in the end it is very awarding and you learn a lot about yourself. Some behaviors that may get†¦show more content†¦Professionals inform clients of the limits of confidentiality prior to the onset of the helping relationship. (NOHS, n.d.). This is an important standard to follow because†¦.. Human service professionals function in many ways and carry out many roles. They enter into professional-client relationships with individuals, fami lies, groups and communities who are all referred to as clients in these standards. Among their roles are caregiver, case manager, broker, teacher/educator, behavior changer, consultant, outreach professional, mobilizer, advocate, community planner, community change organizer, evaluator and administrator. The following standards are written with these multifaceted roles in mind (Ethical standards for human services professionals). This is an important standard and it goes by the name of HIPAA (The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act). HIPAA is important because clients come to therapists and counselors to talk to the in confidentiality and do not want everyone knowing what is going on in their lives. The only time that HIPAA does not come into effect in a medical setting is when we fear that that person may cause harm to others or themselves. HIPAA not only protects the client it also protects the medical facilitatorShow MoreRelatedCounselors as Companions and Ethics in Human Services700 Words   |  3 PagesCounselors as Companions and Ethics in Human Services 1. What are some of the things you believe that the counselor has learned from Steve? What are some of the counselor’s behaviors that may change as a result of working with Steve? Do you think that most people you come into contact with change you in some way? Explain. Things that the counselor learned from Steve included the knowledge of not being able to travel the path for Steve, but that he could be his companion on his journey and show empathyRead MoreCounselors as Companions and Ethics in Human Services Essay974 Words   |  4 PagesSome of the things I believe that the counselor has learned from Steve are, it taught the counselor that you cannot help a person on their own life path. Only they can find their way. 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